
  1. 1. It has a starting point but goes endlessly in the other direction.
  2. 4. The measure of a ____________ angle is between 180 degrees and 360 degrees.
  3. 6. An eight sided polygon
  4. 7. This shape has 4 equal sides and 4 right angles
  5. 8. A quadrilateral with four right angles and two sets of parallel opposite sides that are equal
  6. 10. A closed figure made up of straight line segments
  7. 11. A three-sided polygon.The sum of the angles equals 180 degrees
  8. 12. A polygon with 7 sides
  1. 1. A ____ angle is 90 degrees
  2. 2. A line drawn between 2 vertices which are not next to each other
  3. 3. This type of triangle has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles
  4. 4. A squashed square. It has four equal sides but no right angles
  5. 5. A collection of points in a plane that are the same distance from a centre point
  6. 9. Points which lie on the same straight line.
  7. 13. If one of the angles in a triangle is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees, it is called a _____________ angled triangle.