  1. 3. A point or a line that divides a segment or an angle into two congruent parts
  2. 5. math study of points,lines,curves and surfaces
  3. 7. the composite of two reflections over intersecting lines
  4. 8. A small number written in the upper right of the number
  5. 10. Equal in length
  6. 13. uncountable
  7. 14. Having the same shape and size
  8. 15. Six sided shape
  9. 17. A three sided shape
  10. 20. A parallelogram with 4 equal sides
  11. 22. a fig. formed by two rays that have the same endpoint
  12. 24. A prism with 6 square faces
  13. 25. A seven sided shape
  14. 26. A two dimensional group of points that goes on infnitely in all directions
  15. 27. This shape has four equal sides
  16. 28. An angle whose measure in degrees is less than 90
  17. 29. The amount of space a 3-D object can contain
  1. 1. The side opposite the right angle in a triangle
  2. 2. A square is a type of_____
  3. 4. Any angle from 180 to 360 degrees
  4. 6. Angles between two lines cut by a transversal
  5. 9. A line segment that joins two non-consecutive points
  6. 11. A line that intersects 2 others
  7. 12. A quotient of two numbers
  8. 16. Five sided shape
  9. 18. A part or proportion of a circle
  10. 19. Eight sided shape
  11. 21. The amount of mgnitude in an angle
  12. 23. angle An angle whose measure is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees
  13. 25. Part of a circle containing its center and an arc