
  1. 3. Over 90 degrees but less than 180
  2. 9. Less than 90 degrees
  3. 10. Lines that never meet
  4. 11. An triangle which its greatest angle is greater than 90 degrees
  5. 13. Angles on the inside of a traversal/polygon
  6. 15. 2 opposing angles on a traversal
  7. 17. When 2 lines met at 90 degrees
  8. 18. Parallel lines having a line through them
  9. 19. 180 degrees
  10. 20. A triangle with 2 sides the same
  11. 21. 90 degrees
  1. 1. When both angles add to 180
  2. 2. Same angle but different places
  3. 4. When two lines intersect they form two pairs of _______ angles
  4. 5. When both angles add to 90
  5. 6. When 2 line segments
  6. 7. A triangle
  7. 8. An triangle which its greatest angle is equal to 90 degrees
  8. 9. An triangle which its greatest angle is less than 90 degrees
  9. 12. A triangle with all sides the same
  10. 14. When 2 line cross
  11. 16. When a line moves both vertical and horizontal