
  1. 5. - segment whose endpoints lie on the circle
  2. 7. turning of an image
  3. 8. the space inside a 2d figure
  4. 9. -moving a figure
  5. 11. - shapes that have the same shape and size
  6. 13. -the length between two points
  7. 14. - space inside a 3d figure
  8. 16. - segment from the center to a point on the circle
  9. 18. -sides that form the right angle in a right triangle
  10. 20. -the distance around an object
  1. 1. point that lies between two points
  2. 2. - mirror image
  3. 3. section of a circle that lies between two points on a circle
  4. 4. -side opposite the right angle in a right triangle
  5. 6. - figure with 3 sides and 3 angles
  6. 10. - half a circle
  7. 12. a flat surface that can extend forever in length
  8. 15. steepness of a line
  9. 17. - used to indicate a location
  10. 19. - any group of things or numbers
  11. 21. - straight line that extends from a point