
  1. 4. maximum number of angles can be created using 3 straights
  2. 6. father of geometry
  3. 7. the BEST
  4. 8. Divides the opposite straight equally on 2 half
  5. 10. "place" in stereometry
  6. 12. Divides the angle equally on 2
  7. 13. main figure in geometry (1)
  8. 14. main figure in geometry (2)
  1. 1. figure that gives you maximum area using certain perimetre
  2. 2. 2πR^2
  3. 3. figure which the sum of all angles gives 720
  4. 5. a spear in geometry
  5. 9. Divides the circle equally on 2
  6. 11. figure that has many angles
  7. 14. circumference/diameter