George's Big Bologna Bash X-word

  1. 3. a favourite Mirò special, presumably named after a man of the same name
  2. 5. shares birthday with another (4/6, couple 2)
  3. 9. rhymes with coffee, place to get it
  4. 10. far away
  5. 12. "stained" in Italian, a type of coffee
  6. 14. shares birthday with another (2/6, couple 1)
  7. 16. student coordinator, unbuttoned shirt
  8. 17. shares birthday with another (3/6, couple 2)
  9. 19. shares birthday with another (5/6, couple 3)
  10. 21. opening line for many italians
  11. 23. italian giallo con l'Iguana
  12. 24. program that takes other international students to Bologna (and to karaoke)
  1. 1. important Bolognese family
  2. 2. jacket, always worn (not so much anymore)
  3. 4. shares birthday with another (1/6, couple 1)
  4. 6. the cafe here plays a...diverse...range of music
  5. 7. hurt his leg and we haven't seen him since :(
  6. 8. charlotte's boyfriend
  7. 11. something to do on thursdays
  8. 13. GOATed club for qualcuni con tessera
  9. 15. you need this to enter camplus
  10. 18. speed that food might travel if it was from a certain market
  11. 20. Mary might be pictured with him
  12. 22. shares birthday with another (6/6, couple 3)