  1. 5. trash, garbage, OR nonsense in our story
  2. 6. superlative form for short adjectives
  3. 7. comparative form for long adjectives
  4. 10. result or consequence
  5. 11. quickly and without warning
  6. 12. crackling or hissing with intense heat, because it's very hot
  7. 14. scream or yell
  8. 16. feeling great surprise and interest
  9. 17. entertainer who performs gymnastic feats
  10. 18. tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building
  1. 1. comparative form for short adjectives
  2. 2. verb in the past = swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound
  3. 3. into one side and out of the other side
  4. 4. superlative form for long adjectives
  5. 8. containing, producing, arising from, or actuated by electricity. OR in the context of the book, it means that the effect was huge
  6. 9. in a way that shows you do not trust someone or something
  7. 11. acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
  8. 13. moving with quick, short movements from side to side, not in a controlled way
  9. 15. fantastic, great