German Time, Seasons, and Weather

  1. 7. to snow
  2. 8. for
  3. 10. summer
  4. 11. rain
  5. 12. month
  6. 14. snow
  7. 15. to shine
  8. 16. weather
  9. 17. winter
  10. 18. birthday
  11. 22. degree (temperature only)
  12. 24. to find; to think
  13. 26. was (past tense of sein)
  14. 27. es _______; "it's snowing"
  1. 1. to remain, stay
  2. 2. to rain
  3. 3. certain(ly), for sure
  4. 4. yesterday
  5. 5. autumn, fall
  6. 6. season
  7. 8. spring
  8. 9. wind
  9. 10. sun
  10. 13. (to come) from (city or country)
  11. 19. soon
  12. 20. es______; "it's raining"
  13. 21. here
  14. 23. everything; all
  15. 25. almost