Germany Dates

  1. 3. Unemployment reaches 6 million
  2. 4. Kristallnacht
  3. 6. Hitler becomes Chancellor
  4. 7. Kapp Putsch
  5. 8. Germany invades Poland and WWII starts
  6. 10. Nuremburg Laws
  7. 12. Beginning of Stresemann
  8. 13. Hyperinflation
  9. 14. Night of the Long Knives
  1. 1. End of Stresemann
  2. 2. Reichstag Fire
  3. 3. Berlin Olympics
  4. 5. Hindenburg dies
  5. 7. Wannsee Conference
  6. 9. Enabling Act
  7. 11. Stresemann dies
  8. 15. Treaty of Versailles