Gerunds and infinitives

  1. 2. We hope__(visit) our friends in Greece soon.
  2. 4. Do you enjoy__(visit) other countries?
  3. 8. I'm tired. I want__(go) to bed.
  4. 9. Katie enjoys__(camp) and she bought a new tent last year.
  5. 10. Have you finished__(clean) the kitchen?
  1. 1. Good bye! I hope__(see) you again soon.
  2. 3. I don't like__(spend) hours in a museum.
  3. 5. Henry hates__(swim), so he doesn't want to have a beach holiday.
  4. 6. I learnt__(swim) when I was 5 years old.
  5. 7. My mum and dad would like__(fly) to Paris in the summer.