Gestational Diabetes

  1. 1. This type of diabetes may be related to obesity and lack of exercise.
  2. 5. Measures the average glucose levels during the past 100 to 120 days.
  3. 8. Increases the risk of UTIs.
  4. 12. Glyburide and Metformin are ________ antidiabetic medications and are an alternative to insulin therapy.
  5. 13. A possible birth injury due to a macrosomic infant (two words).
  6. 15. Found in your urine when cells don't get enough glucose and the body burns fat for energy instead.
  7. 16. This type of eating increases a woman's risk of excessive gestational weight gain (two words).
  8. 17. This type of diabetes may be caused by genetic, immunologic, and environmental factors.
  9. 18. A test in which glucose is given and blood samples are taken afterward to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood.
  1. 2. Non-pharmacological intervention that helps increase the uptake of glucose into the cells.
  2. 3. This hormone has a diabetogenic effect.
  3. 4. Secreted by pancreatic beta cells to keep blood glucose levels stable.
  4. 6. In normal pregnancy, the mother's pancreas will be able to ________ for the increased peripheral resistance to insulin.
  5. 7. An adverse effect of insulin usage.
  6. 9. The inability of insulin to increase glucose uptake and utilization.
  7. 10. Hormones released by the ________ cause insulin resistance.
  8. 11. Nurses often collaborate with these healthcare professionals to counsel clients on healthy eating habits.
  9. 14. Lispro and Aspart are ________-________ insulins.