Get to know Isabel!

  1. 3. I am the ______ sibling in my family.
  2. 6. I am from this state.
  3. 8. A coping skill I love is listening to ________.
  4. 11. A sport I have played a lot.
  5. 12. My favorite Disney princess.
  6. 14. A superpower I wish I had.
  1. 1. I have a pet ___ (named Zuko!)
  2. 2. My favorite way to make art is to _______.
  3. 4. I like ______ more than movies.
  4. 5. My favorite season.
  5. 7. How I feel to be at The Wolf School with you!
  6. 9. A sport I play a lot.
  7. 10. My favorite subject to learn about is _____.
  8. 12. My favorite vegetable
  9. 13. Something that I love to do with everyone I meet.