Get to Know Ms. Kocher

  1. 3. the app i use the most
  2. 4. My favorite movie (1980)
  3. 7. The kinds of dogs I have
  4. 9. my favorite performer
  5. 10. My favorite pop
  6. 11. My first concert (2019)
  7. 13. my favorite tv show
  8. 14. my favorite dessert
  9. 15. my favorite animated movie
  10. 16. How many siblings I have
  11. 18. my favorite season
  12. 19. the name of my first fish (Criminal Minds character)
  13. 21. the thing i need every morning
  1. 1. president when i was born (1999)
  2. 2. my favorite candy (2 words)
  3. 5. my favorite pro sport to watch
  4. 6. My least favorite scent/flavor
  5. 8. My favorite animal
  6. 12. my favorite college sport to watch
  7. 13. my favorite marvel character
  8. 14. the city I was born in
  9. 17. abbreviation for the college I graduated from
  10. 20. My favorite color