Get to Know Natasha

  1. 2. Favorite video game? (now an HBO TV show)
  2. 3. What instrument do I play?
  3. 6. Natasha likes to go to _____
  4. 8. How many concerts have I been to? (spelled out)
  5. 10. True or False: I'm a natural blonde
  6. 11. Movies or TV shows?
  7. 12. Favorite genre of music?
  1. 1. What club am I an active member in?
  2. 4. I've met every member of the band "Another Day Dawns"
  3. 5. Have I met Gavin Rossdale of Bush?
  4. 7. Favorite movie of all time? ("I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year...")
  5. 9. Favorite show? (stars Timothy Olyphant)