Get to know your managers!

  1. 3. Lauren learned to drive in a Nissan Armada at what age?
  2. 6. Holly dislikes what food?
  3. 8. What sport did Sprout play in college?
  4. 9. Which ear is Karrie completely deaf in?
  5. 10. Who is McKinley's brother on staff for the City?
  6. 11. Sterling has to pet _______ named Tater and Tot?
  7. 12. Molli is going to school to become this kind of teacher.
  8. 14. Allison has been competing in triathlons for seven ______.
  9. 15. Jose owns this type of dog.
  1. 1. McKenna has family from this continent.
  2. 2. Bailey is going to school to become a what?
  3. 4. Molly rode a trolley bike down a mountain in what continent?
  4. 5. Kailee played what sport in high school?
  5. 7. Dani has traveled to this European continent.
  6. 13. Quinn was back to back state youth cow ____ chuckin champion.