Get To Know Your Science Classroom

  1. 5. The name of the bobble heads team on Ms. Bodemann's filing cabinets
  2. 6. Color of Wednesdays folder in the Missed Work wall pocket file.
  3. 7. Where all cell phones belong in class.
  4. 8. The large laminated bathroom pass is for what colored bathroom?
  5. 9. What grade is Ms. Bodemann teaching?
  6. 10. How many times are you allowed to use your bathroom pass in a 9 week period.
  1. 1. The color of the turn in tray
  2. 2. Title above vocabulary words on the board.
  3. 3. Your science teachers last name
  4. 4. How many dogs does Ms. Bodemann have?
  5. 8. During class, all bags and backpacks belong where?