Getting to Know Mrs. McKenna

  1. 2. Mrs. McKenna's favorite streaming service
  2. 4. Mrs. McKenna's maiden name
  3. 5. Mrs. McKenna's favorite place to get coffee is ____
  4. 7. Mrs. McKenna likes to do this to relax (and give away as gifts, especially to babies!)
  5. 10. Number of different types of classes Mrs. McKenna teaches
  6. 11. Number of children Mrs. McKenna has
  7. 12. In the morning, Mrs. McKenna likes to drink ____
  8. 13. The McKenna family pet is a ____
  9. 15. True or False - Mrs. McKenna likes to read books
  10. 17. The town where Mrs. McKenna grew up
  11. 21. Mrs. McKenna teaches in room number three-three-___
  12. 22. This is one of Mrs. McKenna's all-time favorite foods (hint: it's a vegetable - kind of??)
  13. 23. Number of people in Mrs. McKenna's family
  14. 24. Mrs. McKenna got her MA from ____ University in Middletown, CT
  1. 1. Mrs. McKenna's favorite type of mythology
  2. 3. Mrs. McKenna got her BA from the University of ___
  3. 6. Mrs. McKenna began teaching at WHS in this decade
  4. 8. Mrs. McKenna is very proud of her Instagram page dedicated to _____
  5. 9. Mrs. McKenna's favorite treat
  6. 14. Number of college degrees that Mrs. McKenna has
  7. 16. The decade of music that Mrs. McKenna enjoys listening to the most
  8. 18. Besides English, Mrs. McKenna's favorite school subject
  9. 19. Mrs. McKenna grew up in a family of ___ people
  10. 20. True/False - Mrs. McKenna does not live in Wethersfield