Getting to Know UP

  1. 1. UP's student-run radio station
  2. 2. UP's school color.
  3. 3. UP is a member of this NCAA Division I Conference.
  4. 6. The open, grassy area between Buckley Center, Franz, Shiley, the Library, and the Chapel.
  5. 9. The on-campus cafeteria and dining area.
  6. 11. Home to Student Activities and a student lounge area.
  7. 12. Portland is known as the 'City of _____.'
  8. 13. Home to the School of Business and the School of Education
  9. 14. This is where you can pay your tuition bill and other fees.
  10. 17. The oldest building on UP's campus.
  11. 18. Our new Rec Center is named in honor of Father ____.
  12. 19. A laid-back study place, home to delicious gelato!
  1. 1. The on-campus sauna is located here:
  2. 2. This department is reachable 24-7 at extension x7161.
  3. 4. UP's state of the art athletic and training center.
  4. 5. The last name of UP's current president.
  5. 7. Oregon's state capitol
  6. 8. The director of the Shepard Academic Resource Center.
  7. 10. Your one-stop shop for questions and concerns on campus!
  8. 15. Portland is home to this NBA team.
  9. 16. One of the university's most popular study abroad programs is located in this Austrian city:
  10. 17. This river runs below the Bluff and through downtown Portland.