Getting to Know You

  1. 2. Innovative staffing and talent pipeline
  2. 5. Special Education Behavior Specialist
  3. 8. Another Child Nutrition staff member
  4. 10. Adult Education Consortium in HGAC
  5. 11. Advanced Academic Services
  6. 13. Instructional data, assessment, accountability
  7. 14. Texas Home Learning
  8. 16. Military Connected students
  9. 18. Another Inclusion Practices Specialist
  10. 21. High Impact Tutoring
  11. 23. Lesson study PCLs
  12. 25. Career Pathways Professional Development Center
  13. 26. Teacher Incentive Allotment
  14. 27. Early childhood
  15. 28. Career and Technical Education
  1. 1. Inclusive practices
  2. 3. EduHero
  3. 4. Title IV
  4. 6. Title III/Bilingual
  5. 7. Migrant Specialist
  6. 9. Reading Academies
  7. 10. CTE Counselor
  8. 12. STOP Program
  9. 15. Texas Instructional Leadership
  10. 17. Title I ESSA
  11. 19. Morgan's Angels
  12. 20. Another Reading Academy Specialist
  13. 22. Visual impairment
  14. 24. New Construction Project
  15. 25. Child Nutrition