Getting to Know You 2

  1. 1. English translation of "Ça va?"
  2. 6. English translation of "Salut"
  3. 7. English translation of "Et toi?"
  4. 8. English translation of "J'ai douze ans"
  5. 9. English translation of "Tu as quel âge?"
  6. 12. English translation of "Ça va bien merci"
  7. 14. English translation of "Quel âge as-tu?"
  8. 15. English translation of "Je m'appelle"
  1. 2. English translation of "Comment t'appelles-tu?"
  2. 3. English translation of "dix"
  3. 4. English translation of "Au revoir"
  4. 5. English translation of "five"
  5. 7. English translation of "et moi?"
  6. 10. English translation of "Tu t'appelles comment?"
  7. 11. English translation of "Bonjour"
  8. 13. English translation of "J'ai onze ans"