Getting To Know You

  1. 3. What age did Ms.Denita receive her license
  2. 5. What University does Ms. Nasrin's daughter attend.
  3. 6. What is Ms. Temmille's astrology sign
  4. 7. What is the meaning of Ms.Isela's name
  5. 10. This is Ms. Sherrie's favorite kind of sushi
  6. 13. Ms.Thanna has this number of children.
  7. 14. What is Ms. Sonia's hobby.
  8. 15. How old was Ms. Tonya's Great Grandfather when he passed
  9. 16. How many countries has Ms.Maya traveled to.
  1. 1. Mr.Isaiah's favorite cocktail
  2. 2. This is one Ms. Tasha's Favorite genres of music
  3. 4. How far along is Ms. Diana's pregnancy
  4. 8. Kenyatta's favorite place to travel.
  5. 9. What does Mr.Isaiah's dog's name mean?
  6. 11. Ms.Jacinta has been married for this many year.
  7. 12. What was Ms.Vinnette's nickname in college.
  8. 13. What is one of Ms. Angela's favorite tv shows to watch