GFS_2_Man's Need of Salvation

  1. 5. The function of our ____ is contact God and receive Him as life.
  2. 6. In the fall, man became God's ____.
  3. 8. When the satanic life entered into man, his spirit was _____.
  4. 9. Man's second problem resulting from the fall is ____, that is, within himself.
  5. 11. Psychological part of man
  6. 13. Man's ____ was created for him to love God.
  7. 14. When Adam fell, man's body was _____.
  8. 15. ______ means something having to do with us but outside of us.
  1. 1. Because of Adam's fall, he has the need of God's ____.
  2. 2. Man is ____ to save himself from the fall, thus he is utterly hopeless.
  3. 3. Because of Adam's disobedience, we have all come under God's _____.
  4. 4. Man's ____ was created for him to choose God.
  5. 7. Man's ____ was created for him to choose God.
  6. 10. When the satanic life entered into man, it ____ man's soul for God's purpose.
  7. 12. Because Adam ____ God, man has an objective problems before God.