gianna alexander - renaissance and reformation

  1. 2. to get away from
  2. 3. daughter of anne boleyn
  3. 6. anti-catholic
  4. 7. allowed people to chose their own religion
  5. 9. wealthy supporter
  6. 10. the language
  7. 12. rebirth
  8. 14. society of jesus
  9. 16. sistine chapel
  10. 18. calvinism
  11. 19. created the printing press
  12. 20. human emotion
  13. 22. a legalized divorce
  14. 23. painted the mona lisa
  15. 24. followers of martin luther
  1. 1. helped spread information
  2. 4. mother of elizabeth
  3. 5. attempt to bring people back to the catholic church
  4. 8. church of england
  5. 9. 3D
  6. 11. statue of david
  7. 13. school of athens
  8. 15. wordly
  9. 17. meeting of bishops and cardinals
  10. 20. king of england
  11. 21. pay for forgiveness