- 3. Green daughter of Thanos
- 6. Who is Wade Wilson
- 7. The Destroyer
- 9. Metal beast sent from Asgard
- 12. Founder and first Executive Director of SLC
- 15. aka Tony Stark
- 18. Expert marksman; yields a bow & arrow
- 20. First name of SLC’s Executive Director
- 22. Wields infinity goblet and is obsessed with finding infinity stones
- 25. Wonder Woman’s first name
- 26. Bitten by a super spider
- 27. Tony Stark’s engineer and personal assistant
- 28. Superhero with super speed
- 30. A mutant with metal claws
- 32. God of Thunder; Oden son
- 34. Protects Gotham City
- 35. Racoon previously known as Subject 89P13
- 38. Blue daughter of Thanos
- 39. Guards the realm of Asgard
- 40. Plant superhero and best friend
- 1. Blind superhero with heightened senses
- 2. The first Avenger
- 4. Thor’s hammer
- 5. God of Mischief
- 6. Wears a magical red cloak
- 8. aka Dr. Doom
- 10. First name of Iron Man’s girlfriend
- 11. Robot with a mind gem on his head
- 13. First name of Steve Rogers’ best friend from the Bronx
- 14. Hulk’s favorite word
- 16. First name of SHIELD’s best agent
- 17. First name of Black Widow
- 19. Smallest Avenger, aka Scott Lang
- 21. Sister of Quicksilver
- 23. Peter Quill
- 24. Warrier of Wakanda
- 29. Communicates with fish
- 31. Becomes a monster when angry
- 33. Ant Man’s partner
- 36. First name of Captain Marvel
- 37. The X in Professor X