Gilded Age/Progressive Era

  1. 4. time period dedicated to fixing problems from the Gilded Age
  2. 5. Government and general public feelings about labor unions
  3. 8. Amendment to the Constitution that gave women the right to vote
  4. 12. Name give to Second Industrial Revolution
  5. 13. Invented by Edison and played music
  6. 15. Agents hired by factories to spy on union leaders and break up strikes
  7. 16. Journalists who exposed corruption and abuse of the Gilded Age
  8. 17. Edison filed over 1,000 of these and they protected the ideas/inventions of American inventors
  9. 21. Type of natural resources. Gold, coal, etc.
  10. 22. Created by Samuel Morse and used Morse Code to communicate over long distances
  11. 23. Provided an economic boost to the north that helped fund the Second Industrial Revolution
  12. 26. when there is a single seller in the market and no competition
  13. 28. Process that reduced the cost of making steel
  14. 29. Right to vote
  15. 31. Founded by Samuel Gompers and represented skilled laborers
  16. 32. Industrialist associated with automobiles
  17. 33. taxes on imports
  18. 37. How the Other Half Lives
  19. 39. Bill that was passed to give government the power to break up monopolies
  20. 41. major resource needed in second industrial revolution
  21. 42. Hull House. Opened by Jane Addams to help immigrants and the poor
  22. 44. Industrialist associated with steel
  23. 45. History of the Standard Oil Company
  24. 46. Invented by Edison and was a stable light source
  25. 48. Type of market integration. Purpose was to reduce competition by taking over other businesses
  26. 49. invented by Alexander Graham Bell and made long-distance communication with natural voice possible
  27. 50. Population of the US did this during the Gilded Age
  28. 51. positive name for major industrialists
  29. 52. Type of market integration where businesses take over businesses in their supply chain
  1. 1. Owner decided to lower wages but not rent, causing workers to strike. Stopped railroads in US for months.
  2. 2. Employers would often use this to make strikes illegal
  3. 3. Survival of the fittest/richest
  4. 6. voters could vote in private so there was less pressure and intimidation
  5. 7. another term for capitalism
  6. 9. Believes that a free market economy is the best economy
  7. 10. Industrialist associated with oil
  8. 11. wanted to abolish the government
  9. 14. Progressive President that went after Trusts and issues in the food industry
  10. 18. Began at Carnegie Steel Co. and severely damaged the labor movement in the US
  11. 19. state of working conditions in factories and mines
  12. 20. Chicago strike that created mass hysteria against immigrants and labor unions
  13. 23. Cheap labor used in textile mills and mines
  14. 24. Industrialist who purchased Carnegie Steel
  15. 25. tactic used by employers to make sure people could not get another job
  16. 27. The Jungle
  17. 30. when employers close factories to keep workers from their jobs
  18. 34. Industrialist associated with railroads
  19. 35. negative name for major industrialists
  20. 36. Some factory owners created these for workers to live in where the owner would also be the landlord
  21. 38. people hired to keep factories running while workers are striking
  22. 40. when workers walk off the job and refuse to work
  23. 43. one way of managers and employers may do this action when employees strike
  24. 47. Government is hands-off in the economy