Gilded/Progressive Era

  1. 2. group that bribes immigrants for votes
  2. 4. the growth of a city
  3. 8. created Hull Houses
  4. 9. act that kept certain immigrants from the job market
  5. 14. wrote about lynching in the south
  6. 16. changing a law
  7. 17. leader of Tammany Hall
  8. 20. wanted gradual change for African Americans
  9. 21. old immigrants hating new immigrants
  10. 22. pulling someone out of office before their term is up
  11. 23. 18th amendment
  1. 1. book that inspired the Food and Drug Act
  2. 3. creating a law
  3. 5. amendment for women's right to vote
  4. 6. helped create the National Parks System
  5. 7. law that lets the people directly elect their senators
  6. 10. led the movement for women's suffrage
  7. 11. other name for the Progressive Party
  8. 12. growth of factories and businesses
  9. 13. wanted change for African Americans ASAP
  10. 15. wrote about the meat packing industry
  11. 18. wrote How the Other Half Lives
  12. 19. led the temperance movement