Gilgamesh the Hero VSS List II

  1. 2. Would you like to explore the __________ depths of the sea?
  2. 3. Jenny __________ her face with green makeup to complete her witch costume.
  3. 6. The prince asked the __________ to fashion a crown for his new bride, the future princess.
  4. 8. "I'll never babysit these __________ children again!" Mrs. Torres exclaimed in frustration.
  5. 10. We all __________ the loss of our cat.
  1. 1. Elena __________ to run a marathon by training every day for months.
  2. 4. At its height, the Roman __________ stretched from Britain to Egypt.
  3. 5. Nathaniel studied __________ during his apprenticeship.
  4. 7. Because of his __________ expression, I couldn't tell he was joking.
  5. 9. Horatio's homework is always neat because of his __________ handwriting.