- 2. Boot made in Australia
- 5. … by Dr. Dre
- 7. What caused the Titanic to sink
- 12. Writer of Thrift Shop
- 13. Acronym Laugh out Loud
- 15. Buildings that make up FAIS/GIMS (there are 4)
- 16. Phillips American Idol winner in 2012
- 17. Make Peace not …
- 18. Color of grass
- 19. … Wasn’t built in a day
- 20. Paull Art Teacher who has worked here for 5 years
- 1. Man's Best friend
- 3. Dwarf from Lord of the Rings that accompanies the fellowship of the ring (his favorite weapon is an axe)
- 4. Houston, we have a *******
- 6. Only country in the world that is also its own continent
- 8. Type of Leaf in the Canadian Flag
- 9. First President
- 10. The title a person receives when he or she runs the United States
- 11. Fastest land animal
- 14. Van Gogh Artist who painted Starry Night