- 1. led the team in goals
- 7. skillful and fast when not playing field hockey
- 11. cocks head 90 degrees to side in pictures
- 12. bodies people off the ball like none other
- 14. haunted by cicadas
- 16. still learning how to do throw ins
- 18. slick left footed winger
- 20. not sure I heard her talk this year
- 21. game winning goal to win districts
- 24. quiet calm midfielder
- 25. the cooler sister (in her opinion)
- 26. 30 yard goal scoring specialist
- 27. knows what the Sion stud forward had for breakfast
- 2. top 10 in assists
- 3. giggles while shooting
- 4. yelps when making saves
- 5. runs 1000mph on the field at all times
- 6. fierce hype woman
- 8. got super excited on bus ride to FZS
- 9. speedy winger
- 10. unbreakable (except for Westminster forward)
- 13. always puts herself in good goal scoring areas
- 15. always steady defensive midfielder
- 17. fastest triplet
- 19. has most interesting drawings in film sessions
- 22. Left foot corner kick specialist
- 23. led team in head ball goals
- 25. works 110% at all times