Given below is a crossword puzzle. Read the clues across and down to fill in the blank squares.

  1. 3. The number is made up of digits 9ones, 6 tens, 8 hundreds , 2 ten thousand and 5 thousands.
  2. 4. Skip counting in 3's this number comes next to 8403 in series
  3. 6. The successor of 7,389
  4. 7. Hindu-Arabic numeral of Roman numeral of LXIX
  5. 8. Largest 3-digit number
  6. 9. This number is 1000 less than 8779
  1. 1. 332 Rounded off to nearest 100.
  2. 2. 100 more than 6,789
  3. 5. Sixty-three thousand two hundred fifty -seven (in figures)
  4. 6. The predecessor of 8000