Glaucoma & Visual Fields

  1. 3. In a normal visual field, there is a _______ blind spot
  2. 5. affecting the same part of the visual field in each eye
  3. 9. a quarter of a circle
  4. 10. The optic nerve does not contain any rods or _______ so it is sightless and creates the physiological blind spot in vision.
  5. 12. In Primary Angle-_________ Glaucoma, the lens of the eye increases in size blocking the flow of aqueous humor through the pupil, and bows the iris forward blocking the trabecular meshwork
  6. 13. intraocular pressure
  7. 16. suggest they could develop glaucoma
  8. 17. the absence of vision
  9. 18. Cup to _______ ratio
  10. 19. Hemi prefix
  11. 20. The optic _______ carries the messages (electrical impulses) from the eye to the visual cortex of the brain.
  1. 1. Ocular _______ is when the eye pressure is increased above the normal range, but the patient does not have any damage to the optic nerve.
  2. 2. In this type of glaucoma, the anterior chamber angle is open however there is an imbalance of the amount of fluid being created by the ciliary body and drained through the trabecular meshwork
  3. 4. Increased eye pressure due to other diseases is called ________________ Glaucoma
  4. 6. A patient with a diagnosis of glaucoma _________ has not been diagnosed with glaucoma but have characteristics
  5. 7. optic nerve swelling due to increased intracranial pressure
  6. 8. ___________ Glaucoma is a rare disease in infants due to a malformation of the anterior chamber angle
  7. 11. Optic ______ is inflammation of the optic nerve
  8. 14. ____________ measures the thickness of the cornea.
  9. 15. A _______ lens allows the doctor to view the anterior chamber