Global Connections

  1. 2. Paraguay was bullied A , U and B.
  2. 3. This has rights in Ecuador.
  3. 7. Coast country north of Argentina.
  4. 10. A challenge of S A countries.
  5. 13. Found in Norway high cliffs and ocean.
  6. 14. Argentinian cowboy.
  7. 16. Poor people in Brazil live here.
  8. 17. Includes Eng Scot NIre Wales, Ire.
  1. 1. plentiful in Iceland
  2. 4. Cowboys on Colombian grasslands.
  3. 5. No coastline for these countries.
  4. 6. A major river in Western Europe.
  5. 8. Promotes commerce for countries.
  6. 9. This separates England and France.
  7. 11. A river in Venezuela.
  8. 12. Grassland of Argentina.
  9. 15. Colombian indigenous culture.