Global Economy and Disaster Relief

  1. 5. the practice of keeping things clean and healthy, especially when it comes to things like toilets and garbage
  2. 6. people who are not in the military, regular people living their lives in their communities.
  3. 7. places where rocks, stones, and minerals are dug out of the ground
  4. 12. when the ground shakes because of movements in the Earth's crust
  5. 14. bondage when someone is forced to work to pay off a debt, but they can never earn enough to actually pay it off
  6. 16. things like bandages, medicine, and equipment that doctors and nurses use to help people who are sick or hurt
  7. 17. a big storm with strong winds and lots of rain, it forms over warm ocean water
  8. 19. when people leave a place because it's not safe, can happen during natural disasters like hurricanes
  9. 22. the way of life for a group of people, including their beliefs, traditions, and customs
  10. 24. help that's given to people who are suffering because of things like wars, disasters, or poverty
  11. 27. happens when someone doesn't get enough of the right food to stay healthy, can make people weak and sick.
  12. 28. a giant wave usually caused by an earthquake under the ocean
  13. 29. a type of mine where tunnels are dug deep into the ground to extract minerals
  1. 1. something that is not allowed by law, it's illegal or forbidden
  2. 2. people who move from one place to another to find work, often in fields like farming or construction
  3. 3. the basic materials that are used to make things, they can include things like wood, metal, and plastic.
  4. 4. water that has been used in homes, businesses, or industries and is no longer clean
  5. 6. when children are made to work instead of going to school or playing
  6. 8. people who work in other people's homes, doing tasks like cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children or elderly family members
  7. 9. large holes dug in the ground to extract valuable minerals like coal or gold, can be very deep and can cause environmental damage.
  8. 10. when people are forced or tricked into being sold or traded, often for things like forced labor
  9. 11. keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean to prevent illness and stay healthy, includes things like washing our hands and brushing our teeth
  10. 13. the practice of farming, including growing crops and raising animals for food
  11. 15. children who are forced to join armed groups and fight in wars
  12. 18. the process of making goods, usually in factories, involves turning raw materials into finished products
  13. 20. the plant that chocolate comes from, grows in warm climates and produces seeds that are used to make chocolate
  14. 21. the dirty water and waste that comes from toilets, sinks, and showers in our homes
  15. 23. all the money and trade that happens between countries all around the world
  16. 25. chemicals that farmers use to keep bugs and weeds away from their crops
  17. 26. when farmers grow only one type of plant in a large area, it's called monocrop