Global English Pare

  1. 1. Gunting
  2. 3. Initial:BBC
  3. 5. Abbreviation: Etc.
  4. 7. How to say "Gerbang" in English?
  5. 8. Kerudung
  6. 10. Sun
  7. 14. Abbreviation: LOL
  8. 16. Kurang lebih
  9. 17. Plural of beach
  10. 18. Nama
  11. 20. Pintu
  12. 22. V3: Spoken, V2: Spoke, V1:
  13. 25. People
  14. 26. Person
  15. 27. A tyre that does not have any or enough air in it
  16. 29. Mendidik
  17. 32. Sopan
  18. 33. Besok
  19. 34. Jagung
  20. 36. Beautiful
  21. 38. The way in which a word is pronounced
  22. 41. Huruf
  23. 43. Persahabatan
  24. 44. One of possessive adjectives
  25. 45. Bersabarlah!
  26. 46. The last month of every year
  1. 2. Gunting
  2. 4. 21st
  3. 6. SD
  4. 7. (The study or use of) the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences
  5. 9. Cara mengucapkan terima kasih
  6. 11. Kopi
  7. 12. This word is the spelling used in the United States: The property prossessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.
  8. 13. Kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang pengucapannya sama dengan: Sun
  9. 15. When you don't know the meaning of a word, what can help you?
  10. 17. Just now
  11. 19. Try
  12. 20. Gayung
  13. 21. Anak perempuan
  14. 23. One of social media
  15. 24. One of possessive adjectives
  16. 28. What day is after Monday
  17. 30. One of Indonesian food
  18. 31. V3 dari meet
  19. 35. Indonesia capital city
  20. 37. An educational institution or establishment, in particular one providing higher education or specialized professional or vocational training.
  21. 39. 1.000.000
  22. 40. One of articles
  23. 42. A piece of soft, thin paper which absorbs liquids
  24. 45. Buku (lebih dari satu)