Global Entry Strategies

  1. 2. An agreement in which a domestic firm buys part of a foreign firm or joins with a foreign firm to create a new entity.
  2. 5. the domestic firm allows a foreign owner to recreate their entire business model in another country
  3. 7. Active ownership of a foreign company or of manufacturing or marketing facilities in a foreign country.
  4. 8. The basic institutions and public facilities upon which an economy’s development depends (such as transportation and communications networks, banks, and educational institutions)
  1. 1. The practice in which a foreign firm manufactures private-label goods under a domestic firm’s brand name.
  2. 3. A sense of national consciousness that boosts the culture and interests of one country over those of all other countries.
  3. 4. Selling domestically produced products to buyers in another country
  4. 6. The legal process whereby a firm agrees to allow another firm to use a manufacturing process, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary knowledge in exchange for the payment of a royalty.