Global Goals Crossword

  1. 3. / Companies should remember and respect the earth and its resources when they make products.
  2. 5. / Everyone should be able to live in a clean place, with clean water that we use responsibly.
  3. 6. / The places we live should have enough roads and working electricity in order to survive and grow.
  4. 9. / Everyone should be able to visit a doctor, get medicines, and know how to make healthy choices.
  1. 1. / Everyone should try to waste less and make earth-smart decisions.
  2. 2. / People don't have what matters to meet their basic needs – food, shelter, water.
  3. 3. / Everyone should work together to achieve the Global Goals by 2030!
  4. 4. / People don't have enough food to eat.
  5. 7. action / Everyone should understand how to protect themselves from natural disasters and protect the Earth.
  6. 8. Energy / Energy that can be replaced by the earth like wind, water and sunshine.
  7. 10. / Everyone should be able to attend a good school with enough teachers that will teach them what they need to know.
  8. 11. Equality / Girls and boys should have the same rights in society.