Global Warming

  1. 1. Scientists recommend restoring this to help correct global warming.
  2. 5. when CO2 levels were 280 ppm
  3. 7. The level of this might decrease in plants as the climate warms.
  4. 8. As carbon builds up in the atmosphere, there are ______ molecules to reflect heat back to Earth.
  5. 9. Organic rich soil will store this.
  6. 12. Scientists are concerned that increase plant productivity takes more of this from the soil.
  7. 14. What type of EMR waves do greenhouse gases emit?
  8. 15. CO2 in the air boosts this rate in plants
  9. 17. Higher temperature and increased moisture interfere with crops due to the growth of ......
  10. 18. A powerful greenhouse gas that stores 25 times the energy as CO2.
  11. 19. Many crops experience this as temperature increase.
  12. 21. Environmental storage reservoirs for carbon.
  1. 2. CO2 levels of 421 ppm
  2. 3. Scientists are concerned that when this happens to our permafrost, greenhouse gases will be released.
  3. 4. A measurement of the average weather for an area over thirty years
  4. 6. Burning this is a large source of global warming.
  5. 8. The level of this will decrease in the soil as the climate warms.
  6. 10. How many years CO2 stays in the atmosphere.
  7. 11. Even if we stopped emitting carbon into our atmosphere today, CO2 levels in which natural reservoir would continue to increase?
  8. 13. The environmental conditions of an area at a moment in time.
  9. 16. Warmer winters and longer growing seasons bring more of these to new territories.
  10. 20. The top 30 cm of this contain twice as much CO2 as the entire atmosphere.