
  1. 2. Operate in more than one country and lend money.
  2. 4. One of our most important global industries.
  3. 5. Your food, fashions, music and sport is your ___________.
  4. 6. One of the fastest developing areas of the world.
  5. 8. Another famous international company.
  6. 10. Countries have their own of these and ours is the dollar.
  7. 11. When our companies manufacture things for sale.
  8. 13. When we sell and buy things from other countries.
  9. 14. A famous world company.
  10. 16. Faster ________________ has been a driver of globalisation.
  11. 17. Mobile phones are an example of this.
  12. 19. We play with these and many are made in China.
  13. 22. There are many __________ impacts of globalisation.
  14. 23. These are very low for oversees workers.
  1. 1. Capital of Italy.
  2. 3. You can go to this global business when thirsty.
  3. 5. TNC's are Transnational ________________.
  4. 7. The gap between the rich and poor countries is _________.
  5. 9. Krispy __________ is an expanding world company.
  6. 12. The most important driver of globalisation
  7. 15. We live in one of the most ______________ countries.
  8. 18. We watch many TV shows from _________________
  9. 20. A well known movie about globalisation is blood ________.
  10. 21. The ______ allows you to travel quickly around the world.