  1. 3. A factory with hard working conditions and low pay (2 words).
  2. 4. Falling communication and ... costs speed up globalization.
  3. 5. The (2 words) gives loans to poor countries.
  4. 6. Rich countries often ... poor countries.
  5. 8. TNCs try to avoid paying high ...
  6. 12. Developing countries are characterized by a high population ...
  7. 13. Some TNCs have more income than whole ...
  8. 14. Globalization means a wider ... of goods.
  9. 15. TNCs = ... corporations
  10. 18. Low domestic food production leads to ...
  11. 19. Life ... in developing countries is low.
  1. 1. TNCs may drive local ... out of business.
  2. 2. Globalization means that the world is becoming increasingly ...
  3. 7. The ability to read and write.
  4. 9. Child labour keeps them from attending ...
  5. 10. TNCs move to foreign countries because of cheap ... force.
  6. 11. The percentage of child labour is the highest in (continent).
  7. 14. There is greater access to foreign ... in the form of music, food, etc.
  8. 16. The noun of "poor".
  9. 17. Often the ... is polluted because of poor regulations.