  1. 2. With the development of technology, globalization spread rapidly during the 20th century; _________________ flourished including the use of telephone and postal mail.
  2. 4. His invasions were among the reasons behind the hastening of globalization. he brought culture of Ancient Greek to Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Southern Europe.
  3. 8. Two countries trading products, services, and capitals between them eventually form ____________________.
  4. 13. [Write only the acronym] Its loans helped rebuild countries devastated by World War.
  5. 19. According to him, globalization can be defined as the intensification of worldwide social – relations which links the distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.
  6. 21. Western countries such as Spain, Portugal, Holland, and _______ took over the countries in Asia and Africa.
  7. 22. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the western countries were into __________. They took over the countries in Asia and Africa and gathered abstain natural resources and products of these countries.
  8. 26. Because of this, globalization has spread rapidly during the 20th century.
  9. 27. It is the production of less than enough to satisfy the demand or of less than the usual amount.
  10. 28. [Answer should be spelled out rather than noted as numeral] According to the AP Module about globalization, how many aspects of globalization are there?
  11. 29. [Write only the acronym] It is an organization that regulates and facilitates international trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
  12. 30. It was founded on October 24, 1945, and was organized to help all countries with their territorial disputes in other countries which created different diplomatic agreements, embassies, or consulates in other countries.
  13. 32. [Write only the acronym] World Trade Organization was formerly known as ____ and was established on October 30, 1947.
  14. 34. Mentality, It is an internalized attitude that is deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of the country’s colonization. Filipinos’ penchant for things foreign are reflected in their preference in cloths. foods, music, movies, and others. This kind of thinking is one of the factors that causes local business fail.
  15. 36. [Answer should be spelled out rather than noted as numeral] According to the AP Module about globalization, how many negative impact of globalization are there?
  16. 37. The catholic missionaries from Europe spread their religious beliefs in ____________ in 1492.
  17. 38. Top 5 countries that dominated the World Trade Organization are the following: United States of America, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, and _____?
  18. 39. Economic Integration has a big effect on a country’s politics because whoever holds the economic power holds the _____________ as well.
  19. 40. It is the free and comprehensive interaction of countries in the world in the areas of politics, economics, society, technology, and culture.
  1. 1. It refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers by impeding or limiting as by tariffs or quotas, the importation of foreign goods and services.
  2. 3. It is the combination of Western and Eastern culture.
  3. 5. It is one aspect of globalization that became easier for us due to improvements of transportation like boats became ships much larger faster, caravan change into bike, motorcycles, cars, buses and airplanes.
  4. 6. It promotes long-term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries.
  5. 7. In the 21th century, free trade expanded which ushered the ______________. With the use of satellites and miles-long fiber-optic cables, the World Wide Web connected continents and made it easier for people in different parts of the world to communicate instantly.
  6. 9. [Write only the acronym] It is an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
  7. 10. it is one of the benefits of economic integration in which can be gained in trading products, services and capitals with the other countries because the number of products one can choose from the market increases significantly.
  8. 11. One of the objectives of Europeans was to bring and spread ___________ in the places they colonized.
  9. 12. It is one aspect of globalization that is evident in our lives since information spreads faster and more easily through the internet and cyberspace technology. We get informed of events in different countries instantly in real time.
  10. 14. [Write only the acronym] It is an example of a primarily service-oriented business put up by foreign investors in the Philippines.
  11. 15. This is an agreement between different regions and countries which aim to open up the economic trade, business and and financial coordination.
  12. 16. What material has been produced ever since mechanics were introduced during the 18th century?
  13. 17. When the Spaniards colonized the Philippines, tobacco was harvested by Filipinos and was sent to Mexico and sold there. This happened from 1565-1815 now known in our country as the ___________.
  14. 18. It is the trade route between China and other countries that helped in the spread of globalization. It made a big contribution towards the expansion of the exchange of ideas and trade goods such as silk, porcelain, spices, and others.
  15. 20. it is one of the benefits of economic integration in which because of the capitals being brought to the country by large foreign investors, there are employment and job opportunities present. Thus increasing the peoples’ abilities to become self sufficient.
  16. 23. It is one aspect of globalization that are evident in our lives because the transnational corporation or multinational companies formed different institutions and organizations to control the ______ of the world.
  17. 24. It refers to extensive mechanization in the production system which resulted in shift from land-based manufacturing to large-scale factory production.
  18. 25. The process by which a piece of property, project, or business goes from being owned by a national government to being privately owned.
  19. 31. According to his book, Globalization is the most slippery, dangerous, and important buzzword of the late 20th century.
  20. 33. refers to as an exchange of goods, services, and capitals.
  21. 35. It is one aspect of globalization in which parts of the world were influenced by the culture and beliefs of people in other countries due to globalization activities. Because of this, ______________ is now globalized.