Globalization and Other Fun Stuff

  1. 5. eliminates barriers to trade and tariffs
  2. 6. set of rules to move goods and services between CDA, USA, MEX
  3. 8. provides protection of intellectual property
  4. 10. 12 member org promoting stable supply of oil and reduces fluctuations
  5. 11. nations merging into global marketplace
  1. 1. consumers can compare prices from country to country
  2. 2. made of 27 countries and has own anthem, flag, currency
  3. 3. can be global overall, main focus to help goods and services flow freely
  4. 4. strategy with less exchange rate and political risk
  5. 5. strategy combines needs of local culture with global strategy
  6. 7. financial org made of 186 countries to provide monetary and technical support to developing countries
  7. 9. created in 1989, unites the 21 member countries surrounding Pacific Ocean
  8. 11. group examines growth of developing countries and discuss financial stability