Globes and Maps

  1. 2. type of map that usually shows capitals and cities
  2. 4. is a symbolic representation of all or part of the planet
  3. 7. mountains, plains, plateaus, and valleys
  4. 8. is a consistent, proportional relationship between the measurements shown on the map and the measurement of the Earth’s surface
  5. 11. A drawing of the earth onto a two-dimensional surface is called a(n)
  6. 13. is a scale model of the Earth
  7. 15. is a measurement on a globe or map of location north or south of the Equator
  8. 17. highlight the borders between differ- ent countries and states
  1. 1. a person who draws or produces maps
  2. 3. An imaginary line that the earth rotates around
  3. 5. indicates directions
  4. 6. accurately shows a great circle route
  5. 9. the planet on which we live; the world
  6. 10. is a measurement of location east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich
  7. 12. an area of land that is controlled by its own government
  8. 14. who entertains by playing tricks and who usually wears comical clothes and makeup.
  9. 16. lists and explains the symbols, colors, and lines used on the map