Globes, Projections, and GPS

  1. 2. a network of ground stations that send signals to satellites that relay information to your phone or other device
  2. 3. developed in 1569 for navigation purposes, lines of latitude and longitude intersect at right angles, stretches the north and south poles
  3. 5. Map shows three-dimensional aspects of the planet
  4. 6. A two-dimensional, or flat, representation of Earth's surface or a portion of it.
  5. 10. a 'compromise' map, it does not show the shape or land mass of countries correctly, but it meant to be visually appealing
  6. 13. produces a round map based on one point on the Earth being the center of the map, distortion happens on the outer edge of the map
  7. 14. Map shows anything man-made, i.e. countries, states, capitals, etc
  8. 15. the intended use of a projection
  9. 17. Map map of earth taken from space
  10. 18. a person who makes maps
  1. 1. Map shows the elevations, related to a relief map
  2. 4. Map map that tells about a special topic such as rainfall, population density, etc
  3. 7. the process of of showing a round globe on a flat surface
  4. 8. maintains the accuracy of country sizes by adding 'interruptions' into the ocean areas
  5. 9. Map shows land and water features shaped by nature
  6. 11. size, shape, distance, distortion
  7. 12. most accurate representation of the earth
  8. 15. Map uses drawings to indicate features on the map, such as buildings, forests, and landmarks
  9. 16. the misrepresentation of the area or shape of a feature of the Earth