Go Fish!

  1. 3. used to maintain and control buoyancy.
  2. 4. cause the appearance of the animal to merge into its background
  3. 5. a structure that closes or covers an aperture.
  4. 11. functions to break up the fishlike outline. This can be done with stripes, bars, or spot patterns
  5. 13. The ova of these fish develop by feeding on the yolk.
  6. 14. migrating down rivers to the sea to spawn
  7. 15. a group of primitive jawless vertebrates which includes the lampreys
  8. 17. stacked guanine plates that create 2 dimensional bragg mirrors
  9. 18. the final larval stage of certain mollusks, having two ciliated flaps for swimming and feeding.
  10. 20. the embryo is attached to and nourished by the mother’s body
  1. 1. an aquatic mollusk that has a compressed body enclosed within a hinged shell, such as oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops.
  2. 2. A stage in the life cycle of a veliger that is able to crawl using its foot.
  3. 6. a class of fishes that includes those with a cartilaginous skeleton
  4. 7. migrating up rivers from the sea to spawn.
  5. 8. a red pigment that stores oxygen
  6. 9. a class of fishes that includes those with a bony skeleton.
  7. 10. a visible line along the side of a fish consisting of a series of sense organs which detect pressure and vibration.
  8. 12. cells that produce color
  9. 16. bringing forth live young that have developed inside the body of the parent
  10. 19. Attached oyster larvae