Go Language

  1. 3. Computer language with slow compile time
  2. 6. Computer language with fast compile time
  3. 9. What is the type of a variable such as True or False ?
  4. 11. Which variable is declared inside a function or a block ?
  5. 13. Computer language with interpreted
  6. 17. What is the function // syntax in Go Language ?
  7. 19. What is the type of Go Language ?
  8. 20. What do Go and C++ Language have in common ?
  9. 21. What is the type of a variable such as 123 ?
  10. 22. Which variable is declared outside a function or a block ?
  1. 1. What is the name of types for pointers, maps, channels and functions ?
  2. 2. Which technique is each word, except the first, starts with a capital letter ?
  3. 4. Command to check if Go was installed successfully
  4. 5. Which technique is each word starts with a capital letter ?
  5. 6. Which statement is utilized to assign control to the labeled statement ?
  6. 7. What is the function /* syntax in Go Language ?
  7. 8. Things to translate Go Language into a Language that the computer will understand
  8. 10. Which syntax for immutable fixed values ?
  9. 12. What is the name of types for arrays and slices in Go Language ?
  10. 14. Things to write Go Language code
  11. 15. What is the type of a variable such as 19.99 ?
  12. 16. Which technique is each word is separated by an underscore character ?
  13. 18. Which variable is determines the root of your workspace ?
  14. 20. What is the type of a variable such as Hellow World ?