- 2. Crocodile god. Often depicted as a crocodile.
- 4. Name means hidden one.
- 6. God of fertility, agriculture, life and death, and vegetation.
- 8. worshiped as the protector of households.
- 9. Usually known as looking like a cow. The sky God.
- 11. is protector of graves and a guide to the underworld
- 14. God of writing and knowledge, often depicted as a man with a baboon head.
- 15. The goddess of fate, wisdom,mothers, hunting, and war.
- 18. Said to have been the god of creation. Also known for being he god of the morning sun.
- 19. God of air.
- 20. God of deserts, storms, disorder, and violence.
- 1. Known as the god of the source of the Nile.
- 3. Goddess of cats and had a cat head.
- 5. God of truth, balance, harmony, and law.
- 7. A warrior goddess. Also the goddess of medicine. She was destructive and violent.
- 10. The god of the sun. He had become a very important god in Egypt.
- 12. creater of reality.
- 13. God of the stars, astronomy, cosmos, and the universe.
- 16. Goddess of healing and magic. A very major goddess.
- 17. a very significant god. He was the god of kingship, the sun, the sky, healing, and protection.