Good Behaviour

  1. 2. If you ________(between people), then judge fairly
  2. 4. The less your wealth, the less you will be called to ________ for
  3. 6. Among the most beloved of deeds to Allah is the one that is continuous, even if it is _________
  4. 8. Obey Allah and Allah will ________ you
  5. 9. If you are _________, you would do as you wish
  6. 14. Protect the _______ and what goes into it
  7. 15. Make things easy for people, not __________
  8. 18. Control your _______
  9. 19. Do not _______ too much, for excessive laughter deadens the heart
  1. 1. Eat with your _______ hand and eat from what is in front of you
  2. 3. If you do something bad, ________ it by doing something good
  3. 4. Mix with people with a good _________
  4. 5. Fear Allah and treat all your children _________
  5. 7. Keep away from ________ things and you will be among the best of worshippers
  6. 10. Among the most beloved of places are the _________
  7. 11. Help and protection are from Allah, evil whispers are from _________
  8. 12. Love for other people what you ________ for yourself
  9. 13. God _________ without a place
  10. 16. _______ Allah wherever you may be
  11. 17. ________ people up, do not put them down