- 3. to provide what is useful
- 4. a good name and public admiration
- 5. free in giving
- 7. promptly returns borrowed money
- 11. free from fraud and trickery to others
- 13. when you let someone borrow objects or stuff which are yours
- 14. continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties and failures
- 15. control gained by obedience or strict order
- 16. follows school rules and state laws
- 17. considers new ideas
- 1. doing something moral or artistic values
- 2. wanting to do something good
- 6. when you help others or younger people
- 8. completes chores without being asked or said twice
- 9. mental and moral strength to fear or difficulty
- 10. showing kindness and goodwill to others
- 12. listens carefully to others' concerns