Good Crosswords Issue #19 Natural Disasters

  1. 4. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  2. 5. a number of meteors that appear to radiate from one point in the sky at a particular date each year, due to the earth's regularly passing through a field of particles at that position in its orbit. Meteor showers are named after the constellation in which the radiant is situated, e.g., the Perseids.
  3. 6. combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
  4. 7. a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.
  5. 8. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
  1. 1. an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It was founded in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, in California. It is now the most popular website in the world.
  2. 2. a storm with thunder and lightning
  3. 3. a strong wind carrying clouds of sand with it, especially in a desert.
  4. 6. cover or submerge (a place or area) with water.