- 4. A process to heal or relive mental illness
- 5. You use this to put medication (Air) directly into the lungs.
- 11. The process of getting better after an injury or illness
- 12. Vehicles that are designed to transport the sick or injured.
- 14. An eating plan to improve your overall health
- 15. A form of medicine where fine needles are inserted into your skin at specific points
- 16. What you put on minor cuts or wounds.
- 17. a vital red Liquid in your body
- 18. A place where you are taken when you are sick or injured
- 1. Physical activity that is performed to improve your health and well-being.
- 2. Edible plants that are usually consumed as part of a meal
- 3. What you do when someone's heart stops beating to get blood to flow
- 6. A Lotion you put on yourself to stop you from burning.
- 7. A state of rest for the mind and body that usually happens for several hours at night
- 8. You take these things to get your As, Bs, Cs, and Ds
- 9. What do Humans consume?
- 10. A liquid you can't survive without.
- 13. You see them when you're sick